Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Allen Curse.....

So the running joke is that any thing an Allen touches get broke.Case in point....I have been dropping and breaking things since I can remember. My hands look like I did time in Iraq on the front lines from all the burns, cuts and scrapes I got myself into..

The entire family is klutzy...

My neice, 'Adventures in Ashley' falls down the stairs, and up the stairs constantly (and she doesn't even drink!)
Everytime one of the kids (or me) use a lawnmower we break it.
The list just goes on and on...

On the bright side, the Allen family are the Masters of Duct Tape...

So last night the curse reared its ugly head in full force... The hubby and I get home from work and it was 105 degrees in the upstairs of our house. (105 people!! We even double checked the temp on another thermometer!!!) It was so hot in our room that the door handles were warm to the touch...Seems that I had discovered the batteries were low in the thermostat the night before and was trying to replace them. When I did, I accidently hit the Program button on the unit which was programmed to run the heat continously unless the room temp was between 70 degrees and 70 degrees. Anything lower or higher than 70 caused the heat to run, so when the temp got above 70, the heater just ran and ran.

Then after my husband recovered from his heart attack about the heat, how much money I wasted and the electric bill for next month, blah blah blah, he was stirring a pot of spagetti sauce on the stove. I threw a tennis ball up the basement steps for the dog, and (yep you guessed it) it landed smack in the middle of the sauce, throwing scalding hot sauce all over the hubby and the stove... Then he tried to clean it up and burned his arm on the stove. (He's not even an Allen! Guess the curse just rubbed off on him!)

So to end our beautiful evening.... the hubby wanted a piece of chocolate from a box he keeps on his dresser, so I handed him a chocolate and ofcourse it all gooey and groody from the heat earlier, so we had chocolate all over our fingers. But then they looked so yummy, I decided to have a piece.... My piece was totally liquidfied, and when I went to pick it up, it ran all over the other chocolates in the box, my shirt, the beadspread.....

Hey did I mention how handy I was with the duct tape?

Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year, New Me...


Don't even ask about the numbers above. Figure it out.

For once in my life, I feel like making New Year resolutions. Don't know whats up with that, but here goes.....

This Year, I want to be more thoughful, be thoughtful about what I put in my body, love more, be more patient, run (walk swiftly) another race or 2. Be a better mother, wife, student. Make memories, live dangerously. Stop saying swear words, exercise more, eat more fiber. Be sexy for my husband, for my self!! Stop wasting time, live, explore, take more chances. Love my children harder, stop being critical of myself, of others! Love my body! Improve my skin!.. I'll think of more later....