So on I-20 into work this morning, I happened to glance over to the trees. SPECTACULAR!!! Crimson, Yellow, Orange. I was in the ATL and but it seemed that I was driving thru a scene from a greeting card.
Ok so on to Thanksgiving - I already cooked, haha to you all. Ofcourse I made my little slaves help me in the kitchen. Already in the Fridge for tomorrow--Squash Casserole, Green Bean Caserole, Potatoe Souffle, Cranberry Relish, Pecan, Pie, Lemon Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Cheesecake, Caramel Cake.
Only thing to make tomorrow is: Dressing (Doing the Stove TOP per my hubbies request!) Rolls (Frozen) and Gravy. The teen is in charge of making her famous Iced Tea and Deviled Eggs. (Everyone fights over those eggs!) And Hubby has Ham and Turkey Duty. Yippie Yippie!! So tomorrow will be fun and most importantly RELAXING!! (Am I domestic GODDESS or what!?!)
Neighbor and Friends are coming over to eat and visit, so we are thankful for that. Just need to round up some chairs and tables....
I wonder if my grownup kids will show. I love my daughter to death, but she has a responsibility to be at her dad's, and I hate to have her feel obligated to be at my house. Then there's my son, he usually shows up around the holidays and his birthday to start "greasing the money makers" for future gifts. So it's a wait and see with those 2.
Being a Mom to grown ups is so wierd. Maybe I should have waited until I was ACTUALLY old enough to have kids..
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