So imagine my overwhelming joy when McCain announced the he has chosen Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, former Beauty Queen, Mother of 5, Total Hot Babe and WEARS SENSIBLE GLASSES, as his choice of Vice President of the United States of America!!! (Cue up the marching bands here, and release the tickertape and patriotic balloons.)

Check out that HOTNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, that's not really him, but it sure looks ALOT like him!

(In this picture she's saying, "I love you all, now pay your damn taxes!)
It's so good to know that in times of like these (aka severe ecomonomic depression, high inflation, and rising unemployment) we can rely onVP Palin to do her part to boost the economy!
Kill her own meat WHILE entertaining the kids!!
(Hey Guys, it's called MULTI-TASKING!! Ya'll should try it!!
Fish for healthy meal ideals!! While ridding the ocean of ugly fish who might scare off the whales and baby seals!!
OK, I am praying this ones a photoshop, it's just too wrong to wear a bathing suit like that when you're in the Oval Office. (Or should we call it the Ovary Office!)
Here's Hilary's reaction when she heard the Sarah Palin was going to be the vice President AND had a hot body!!
(She's saying, "This is YOUR fault Obama!!")
So, in conclusion, I just like you all to know my opinion of the New Vice President (in waiting) of the Unites States of America!!!

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