Yep, I bet you never hear that one, right. Yes, dear Scarlett I am near Acworth. (I Love Acworth.) right down 92 as a matter of fact, to the west. 'Bout 12 miles away. By the way, Cokes are called Dope by old people in Boaz, AL. Thanks for the comments, I loved them! It's really encouraging to know that someone is reading my rants.
So I let the amazing "free money" with CVS deals expire. Oh the Tragedy!! I even dragged my ass back there last Thursday and aimlessly wandered the aisles again, looking for the pot of gold to spend the "free" money on. Speaking of the "Pot of Gold", candy that is. It was almost $9 at CVS. It's only like $6 at WalMart. So even though I despise WalMart's Pharmacy and think it's run by demons from a verrryyy slow hell, I will continue to shop at good old WallyWorld for every thing except for the Pills, they'll come from CVS, where I will continue to get that free money that I can't figure out how to spend.
Oh, so I had ANOTHER job interview. I blew it, I got all purty and went in there expecting to see some guy that I could shake my boobs at. (Nah, not really.) but I did expect it to be only one person. I was met out in the lobby by this really sweet lady and she sat me down in the lounge with a couple of other suckers (potential job candidates) and we had to fill out this questionnaire that said, "How much do you want to make", and had one customer problem that we had to solve.
Sweet lady kept telling me to take my time and if I didn't finish answering the customer problem that I could do it after the interview, so I start writing out a looooonnnggg story about how to resolve this customer problem. Then I was taken back to the back room for the interview. There I was, on the way back, I was sucking up my gut and pushing up those ole' boob, just a getting ready. (The fact that the lady kept referring to He, and Eric, gave me the hint..)
Sweet Lady opens the door and DANGIT!!! There sat 8 PEOPLE!!!! 8 PEOPLE I TELL YOU!! around a u shaped table with a desk and chair in the middle of the room. I bout fell over dead right then and there!
I had just spent and hour and a half reading this stupid document from the internet entitled, "12 Interview questions that you should always know how to answer." If you get that thing off the internet, DON'T READ IT, Throw it away IMMEDIATELY.
I feel like I made good eye contact and that I had good experience for the job, but heck I wasn't expecting all those people!! I think that I blew the interview. I answered most of the questions ok, but I #1 didn't ask for the job like I should have. and #2 had canned answers for all the questions that they were asking. (They evidently also had a copy of that stupid document because guess what questions they asked me.)
I am such an idiot, and IT WAS MY DREAM JOB... Oh well, they are suppose to make a decision today or next week. So I will keep praying.
Since I am in the writing mood, I want to tell you that I just lost, about 20lbs this past 3 weeks. Nope I am not on Extreme Makeover or the Swan show. I went to the Doctor about another condition that I have and he prescribe something (not that I am a big pillhead or anything) to help that. The great side effect is weight loss, and the BAD side effect it that I have a dry mouth and I can't sleep worth a hoot. I like to go to sleep at night and sleep like a total zombie, now I dream these crazy dreams and feel like I wake up every 15 minutes all night, but it is getting a little better and I must be sleeping because I am not sleepy the next day...Maybe my dreams are just scaring me.
My wonderful excellent husband is taking me out tonight. I LOVE HIM SO!!! He wanted to take me to see Mrs. Robinson at the Fox, but I really didn't want to, that whole, messing around on your husband with your daughter's boyfriend scenario just really pisses me off. So, we are going to see a move and go out to eat in Douglasville. I think that just a night out when we aren't screaming at kids, dodging dogs, and trying to study/do housework/cook dinner/pay bills will be such a good time. I am so lucky to have such a great husband. I know that so many people are unhappy in their marriage, but like our preacher says, "Instead of studying all the things wrong about your spouse why don't you concentrate on all the things right about 'em." Our preacher is a really smart guy to be from Arkansas.
Later folks.
Going out to dinner in Douglasville? That's too fancy for me - I only get to go to Hiram! Actually, we're 8 miles from Hiram and 13 to Barrett Parkway - so we choose the shorter, less crowded option.
Well, by golly, we'll have to meet up some day if we're so dern close!
And yesterday's AJC actually had an article in it about who calls soda what. They did mention Dope there as mainly in the Carolinas. I had never heard of it before.
Hey, you had the exact same template I had before a computer wizard friend of mine changed mine around - please I do hardly any of it myself.
Well, I'll ignore the blogroll thing that I can't figure out and put you on my reading list manually! We must look out for our Southern selves!
Is it PC to post a comment to a comment on your own blog. Is there anything such as PC (Politically Correct) when it comes to the Internet. Does anyone care..
Yep, I agree D'ville is way to fancy to drive for dinner, but we did it anyway. Ever since Hiram got the "big Theatre" it's a mess anytime you try to get within 3 miles of there. So we did go to D-ville and it was great!
I agree, we do need to look out for our southern selves, if I ever make it up to the big city (Kennesaw-ya'll), I give you fair warning so maybe we can lunch. (I found out when I was out of work that "doing lunch" was what the hoity toity inside I-285 housewives did.
Take Care
First, yes, it is perfectly acceptable to comment on a comment in your own blog. Most people do that actually.
Second, I had a friend of mine who moved from San Francisco to some little po-dunk town in Wisconsin. She called in a panic. Her problem was that she really wanted to meet some of the local neighbors and some seemed really nice - but..... she asked me in a panic, "I don't think they 'do lunch' here - what do I invite them to do!?"
It was actually quite funny. I told her to have them over for coffee and cake.
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